Teaching Experience

Every semester I have spent in my teacher preparation program, I have been required to document my experience in some way. When I first started my hand-held portfolio, I would observe my cooperating teacher by writing what I saw, writing an analysis of what I did and did not like about her teaching, and writing a reflection of each period. When I did the teaching myself as a student teacher, I was required to document my experience a little differently. For each class of my student teaching seminar, I had to write about one or two of the InTASC Standards and pick two artifacts that represent that standard in my teaching. Here is my documented student-teaching experience based on the standards and artifacts I have used in the classroom.

Standard #1: Learner Development

Standard #2: Learning Differences

Standard #3: Learning Environments

Standard #4: Content Knowledge

Standard #5: Application of Content

Standard #6: Assessment

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

Standard #8: Instructional Strategies

Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration